Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Powell Street Dive Bomb Porter

Nice balanced porter: notes of coffee, subtle sweetness 8.5/10

Powell Street Bourbon Stout

Nice malty and salty stout, as Brandon said! Congrats to Brandon on successfully passing his PhD Dissertation defense today!

Syrup, malt on the front, nice salty bitterness on the finish 8.5/10

Powell Street Cumulus Lupulus

With a name like this, I HAD TO try ;)
Tart citrus like qualities - guava or passionfruit. Almost like a tea saison 8/10

Powell Steeet Ode to Citra

Nice citrus note on the front with a bit of a bitter finish. Lemon, and floral qualities 7.5/10

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Cereal Killah Oatmeal Stout

Back from my end of semester crunch, and enjoying a glass of the Cereal Killah Oatmeal Stout from Abe Erb to celebrate the end of term (and a break from the marathon 12 hour days of writing!)

This beer is a full-bodied stout with notes of espresso. Nice roasted flavour, with sweetness up front and a mild bitterness on the finish. Quite pleasant! 8/10.